About Michael Goode

✔ Captain in the Army Reserve  🇬🇧 → deployed overseas where I received that theatre’s highest award, a Major General’s commendation. Citation reads: 'An exceptional officer who has proved to be a true credit to his unit, his Service and the UK'

✔ Real-world career in British manufacturing 🏭 → protected UK factory jobs (Twinings 🫖, Jordans Cereals 🥣, Kingsmill 🍞) 

✔ Conservative activist since 2008 🗳️ → helped turn a seat blue after 21 years. Built effective campaign teams from scratch and, through hot food, big smiles and proper thanks, kept teams grinning through the rain, hail and cold! Currently an Area Officer supporting national fundraising

✔ Volunteer as a young offenders’ prison mentor  🤝  → mentoring high security prison inmates

✔ Degrees from Oxford (History of War) & Cambridge (History) 🎓 → first person from school to go to Cambridge, published book author – 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘢𝘳


With a name like Goode, people quickly decide whether you are or not! I was brought up to live my name. My Turkish father left before I was born; we met for the first time when I was 20. I grew up with foster children and saw my single mum struggle on benefits. If there was one thing Mum wanted for me it was a strong moral compass; to see the world for what it is, realise my actions are my own, and know that we all have the power to change things.

It was at school that I realised how fortunate I was to have these values. I went to a failing school (now closed) where around 70 per cent of the students didn’t get their five A-Cs at GCSE. As a kid, I saw how chance shaped the lives of those around me. I was the first person from that school to go to the University of Cambridge - which was shocking, given how bright so many of my classmates were. This sparked a belief in the power and importance of social mobility, which led me to join the Conservatives in 2008.

Seeing politics as an engine for change, I’ve been an active Party campaigner ever since. I’ve held positions in local Associations, stood for council, supported residents’ campaigns on local issues, campaigned across the country and am currently an Area Officer supporting national fundraising.

Growing up, one of my strongest memories was seeing the factories in my town close down and the impact this had. So all my career has been in UK manufacturing, working for food businesses such as Kingsmill, Jordans Cereals and Twinings. Starting out visiting Icelands and Asdas to build displays and drive sales, I went on to manage multi million £ business and lead projects that have protected factory jobs.

I’m also a Captain in the Army Reserve, where I’ve seen for myself how far people from diverse backgrounds can go with the right support, inspiration and encouragement. For the army, I mobilised for an overseas operational tour, where I received that theatre’s highest award, a Major-General’s commendation. Citation reads: 'An exceptional officer who has proved to be a true credit to his unit, his Service and the UK'.

Outside of work, I have been a young offenders prison mentor since 2017. I help mentees navigate life on the outside and find work. I’m with them on the wing, meet them at the gate when they’re released and support them in the community. I’m also a Governor for a Hospital School and a former Trustee of a charity tackling homelessness and addiction.

Thank you for your interest in me. If you feel I can help you in any way or you would like to join me on the campaign trail then please do get in touch.


Michael Goode